Terisa’s Story

  • October 21, 2023

I come from a broken family with a lot of drugs alcohol and violence. I grew up in Oregon and moved to California when I was 11 with my mom and my two younger brothers. I left home at the age of 13 to go live in a group home in Mountain View. During that stay I met some of the local kids and left the group home to go stay with one of the friends I had made there in Mountain View. To make a long story short I ended up getting together with one of the boys I met and moved in with him at the age of 14. He and I were together until I turned 29. We had a wonderful little boy together. On December 16 2008 I totaled our car and got a DUI. That was the end of our relationship and soon to be my journey to sobriety. Honestly, I can’t say when I had my first drink. My mom used to give us kids wine coolers to get us to go to sleep. I also partied as a teenager and drank. However, I do remember my first drink that started my alcoholic journey. I had just given birth to my new son and was now 21 living in a big house all alone during the week. I went and bought some Bacardi Gold – that was the start. I was in love with the feeling and it would take 8 years of my life away from me. It took me a little bit after my DUI to decide I finally had enough. I was living in a horrible hotel by myself when I finally threw my hand up and said enough is enough. I was court ordered to attend two AA meeting. That was not enough to stop my drinking though, although this did allow me to realize I was not alone and that there are others who have the same struggle with emotions and alcoholism. How did you find out about the Alano  Club of San Jose – After my DUI I jumped around from friends to hotels. While I was staying with one of my friends,  she told me I needed to go to AA meetings so I called the hotline and they told me about the Alano Club. I do not remember what day of the week it was but I do remember I went to a noon meeting. I got there and had no idea where I was supposed to go but there was a gentleman (Ricky L.) in the front that I had asked where the meeting was, at that moment a woman (Kristen D.) walking in with her daughter. Ricky L. told me, “Just follow her.” Kristen showed me where to go and that was my first AA meeting at the Alano Club. That day was January 7th 2009. I have not had a drink since and will do what it takes to continue my sobriety until my last breath. My life now is amazing and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. There have been many struggles in my life in the past  years but there have also been many blessings. I met the man of my dreams at the Alano Club who I am proud to call my husband (Kiki M.). We brought a handsome son into this world who has and will never see either of us drunk. I now have my first son living with me at home. I also got the pleasure of becoming a step mom to the most beautiful daughter. My family now have our own apartment to call home. Both my husband and I have our driver’s license and we own our own car. These are the gifts we get to receive once we got sober and changed our way of living. The best gift I’ve received in sobriety is getting to be an example for the new comers as the old timers were for me.  My advice for newcomers, get a sponsor, work the 12 steps, attend meeting regularly, and build a network of sober friends. Make sure to pick up the phone and call someone for help when you need.